Dead Sea Ormus

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Offering : 30 ml of Dead Sea Manna Ormus, currently the highest vibration Ormus alchemized under the sun

Source: hand drawn marine water from the Dead Sea, (near the border of Israel, Jordan and Egypt) and from the Tasman Peninsula in Australia. These are bodies of water that are world renowned for their abundance of minerals and their lack of pollution.

Ingredients: Dead sea minerals, Tasmanian sea minerals, Organic Rose Otto.

Process: involves no chemical extraction. After five years of research and testing, we have landed on a process that utilizes vortex dynamics and rotating magnetic fields allow the Ormus to emerge from the dead sea water. Vortexing is then used to combine the Ormus with Tasmanian sea minerals and Rose Otto.
Attunement: Vortex pulsed with gold and diamonds and charged in Pyramids. Attuned to sacred world poles such as the Great Pyramid and Uluru. Stored in ceramic eggs, as the shape of an egg allows whatever is inside to be in a perpetually structured state.
Packaging: Stored in Violet Miron Glass and sealed a protective sacred geometry of Masculine and Feminine, Space, Time, and Truth. Thus, the vibrations continue to hum all the way from us to you.
How to Use:
The recommended amount is 20 drops (1ml) with 1L of water, consumed within the first hour of waking up (Also great with lemon, lime, juice, coffee or in any smoothie).
A minimum of 10 drops, with a maximum of 40 drops per day.
You can also use Manna Ormus minerals topically, applying to the wrists, temples or complementing any face oil, moisturiser or treatment.

What is Ormus?
Ormus minerals are essential nutrients in a unique atomic state, known as M-State, that are vital—perhaps, necessary—for every aspect of the human being to thrive.
Manna Ormus detoxifies and remineralises your cells with essential nutrients. It is a complete biological fuel source containing Dead Sea Ormus and full spectrum, balanced macro and trace elements that our bodies require to live their fullest potential. Manna Ormus is a complete, 100% bio-avaiable, pre-organic brain and cell superfood.
Manna Ormus also structures, charges & remineralises your water. Although Ormus can be produced from any ocean water, Ormus produced from the Dead Sea is known to be the greatest source, as the abundance of minerals there is unmatched.
See our lab results and revel in the quantity and diversity of trace minerals:
Laboratory results.

Benefits of Consuming Ormus:
• Detoxification and remineralization of cells
• Nourishment and hydration of cells
• Aids cells in generating hydroelectric energy
• Rejuvenation of the body cells
• Proper communication and regeneration of body cells
• Repairs damaged tissues
• Prevents muscle cramps
• Anti-aging support
• Gives relief from joint pain
• Increases electrolytes
• Improves vision
• Increases energy levels
• Promotes health of DNA and RNA
• Strengthens bones & teeth
• Maintains a healthy blood sugar level
• Maintains a healthy immune system function
• Promotes a healthy cellular ph balance

Anecdotally, many of those who have consumed our Ormus report the following:

• Enhanced mental clarity and focus
• Right/left brain balance
• Positive emotions and greater sense of inner peace
• Enhanced intuition
• Greater insights into self and life situations
• Ability to deal with stressful situations from a higher perspective
• Enhanced and/or lucid dreams
• Accelerated manifesting and serendipity
• Greater creativity
• Deeper meditative & prayer states
• Feelings of expansion & access to higher Universal knowledge
• Improved platform for universal communication

A deeper look into the physics and energetics of Ormus:
Ormus, also referred to as ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Moatomic Elements) or M-State Elements, Monoatomic Gold, White Gold or Mana (Manna).
Although ormus has the same number of protons and electrons as their mineral equivalents on the periodic table, it is chemically identified in its own class of substance (as is the case with halogens) and appears to be closer to the state of ether, vacuum, zero point field or pure energy.
Ormus contains within it the unique (not to mention interesting!) ability to switch from being one metal to another at different temperatures.
Manna Ormus may contain gold, silver, platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, mercury, rhodium, ruthenium and copper Ormus elements.
Ormus is the life-giving element found in all living beings. Deeply embedded into the DNA structure of plants and animals, found in the air, soil, stones, the sea and are thought to be an integral part of our skin, nails, hair, blood, brain, and all the organs of our body.

A Deeper Look into the Benefits of Human Consumption of Ormus:
Due to its healing and restorative capabilities, Ormus may be one of the best curative, remedial and restorative substances on the planet.
As a result of such profoundly nutritionally depleted foods and soil, humans receive less than 20% of the necessary minerals required for optimal health.
Manna Ormus contains a balanced and natural multifaceted full-spectrum mineral formula giving you access to 100% of the bioavailable macro and trace minerals, salts and nutrients required for optimal health.
It’s ‘pure energy’ and unique ‘ether’ like structure and compounds makes Ormus a super nutrient; restoring any damaged DNA and possibly even assisting in its evolution.
Due to its high mineral content, after continued use may reduce the need for consuming large quantities of food, can speed up the healing process of any injury or illness, may help in decelerating the ageing cycle and curbing it’s onset.
Ormus is also a powerful cleansing and detoxifying agent, ridding your body of all the harmful toxins that may be present.
As a result of the unique electromagnetic frequency and wave pattern inherent in Ormus, it allows for an increase in alpha brain wave production, can boost memory and enhances your state of mind & activity levels.
Ormus has inherent super-conductive characteristics, as the atoms are in a ‘high-spin’ state. So when Ormus enters the human body, not only does it help in generating energy from within, it also quickly increases inter-cell communication. When each of the cells are enlivened and communicating with its environment (your entire body), balance and health is more easily and quickly restored. The cells are recharged, rejuvenated, replenished and revitalised and as stated before, begin to evolve closer to the perfect pure energy blueprint.

Lore and History of Ormus:

Most in the present day Ormus community believe Ormus has been alchemized, consumed, and revered by humans for thousands of years. There are numerous references to Ormus woven into the cultures of ancient civilizations, particularly in the near East, most notably Egypt, where Ormus was referred to as MKFTZ. In Ancient Egypt, Ormus/MKFTZ was a vital pillar to the spiritual culture. Many give credit to Ormus for the particular genius of the Egyptians. It allowed them to pass into an unprecedented level of cosmological understanding and sophistication.

For those who have familiarity with the Hebrew Old Testament scriptures, you might recognize the term Manna , a Hebrew name, which many interpret as a pseudonym for Ormus. If you recall the scriptures, Manna is referred to as a white, golden powder. The word Manna literally translates into Egyptian in the form of a question: what is it? Which is a question the scientific community is still asking today. More on that soon. The post-Exodus Hebrew scriptures are brimming with reference to Manna/Ormus. The metallurgists who had been living and working with Egyptian Alchemists had indeed been initiated into their techniques and were able to continue producing Ormus during their wandering period in the desert. In a way, the Egyptian influence, as much as the Hebrews desired to leave it behind, ended up guiding a major current of the Hebrew cultural story--at least when viewed from this particular Ormus related hermeneutical lens.

Later, the Essene's, a mystical Hebrew sect, developed an Ormus production method that did not involve chemical processing. The word Orme in Essene Hebrew means "Tree of Life."

By coincidence or intention, in the current era, Ormus was re-discovered by a farmer in Arizona in the 1970's named David Hudson. David Hudson went on to invest enormous amounts of his life and resources into researching Ormus.
Long story short, David Hudson's research led to the terminology of Ormus, M-State, ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements) and "Monoatomic Gold." In today's scientific language, which is more technically oriented, this vernacular of Ormus is what folks are calling it.

Across all time periods, one thing remains consistent, and that is human's utter fascination, reverence, and exonerating of this substance. The affects of Ormus are physical as well as spiritual and it is for this reason that the substance typically has a spiritual context in which it is delivered. The ancient Egyptians, the wandering Hebrews in the desert, the Essene mystics, the alchemists in search of truth—all speak of Ormus with deep love and gratitude. It is a substance that connects whoever consumes it to a much larger vision and experience of life, typically for their betterment. As one begins to experience a more rich inner, intuitive, cosmically connected self, one comes into a balance and harmony with all their relationships, with oneself, and with Life and Death.

Our Dead Sea Ormus looks to honor the lineage from which it has traveled through the hands of humans. We apply the alchemical practices of the Essenes, using the most holy of sea waters, vortexing (mimicking water's most cherished movement pattern), and charging with crystals, pyramids, and the most beautiful of intentions. At the same time, we very easily can speak the current, modern day vernacular of elemental physics. One core tenent of Ormus is its ability to bridge the brain hemispheres, the rational and the relational. In the same way, it appears Ormus is bridging the hemispheres of science and spirituality. This is for the betterment of all.

We hope you found this helpful and informative. We'd love to hear your feedback on your experiences with Ormus.

We love you.

A Deeper Dive: What is Ormus?

In the late 1970s an Arizona farmer named David Hudson noticed some very strange materials as he was doing some gold mining on his land. Hudson spent several million dollars over the following decade figuring out how to obtain and work with these strange materials.
During the early 1990s Hudson toured the United States giving lectures and workshops about what he had found.
Since ancient Egyptian times, alchemists have worked in secret to produce something called the Philosopher’s Stone, or the Elixir of Life. The materials that Hudson and other researchers have found are believed to be related to the Philosopher’s Stone. The materials have been called ORMEs, monoatomic gold, white gold, white powder gold, ORMUS, m-state, AuM, microclusters, and manna.
David Hudson calls the materials he found Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs. He also refers to them as monoatomic elements in a high-spin state.
Since Hudson has patented his process for obtaining and identifying these elements, we would like to suggest that the terms ORMUS and m-state be used when referring to this state of matter.
The ORMUS or m-state materials are thought to be the precious metal elements in a different atomic state. The following elements have been identified in this different state of matter (these elements, with the exception of mercury, are listed in Hudson’s patents):

Known Ormus Elements

All of these m-state elements are abundant in sea water. According to David Hudson’s discoveries, these elements in their m-state may be as much as 10,000 times more abundant than their metallic counterparts. There also may be other elements which occur naturally in the m-state.

Various researchers, working independently, have identified these materials in this different state of matter. They have arrived at many of the same observations.

These m-state elements have been observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation. It looks like these are an entirely new class of materials.

These m-state elements are also present in many biological systems. They may enhance energy flow in the microtubules inside every living cell.

It appears that this state of certain of these elements has been known throughout history. Several of the procedures for extracting or making ORMUS have been adapted from ancient alchemical texts. We believe that the Philosopher’s Stone and the Biblical manna are both variations on this state of matter.

Some recommended alchemical texts related to the Philosopher’s Stone are “Sacred Science” by R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz and “Le Mystere des Cathedrales” by Fulcanelli, available from Amazon.com. Another source is “Occult Chemistry” by Leadbeater and Besant. The premier treatise on the subject may be “The Secret Book” by Artephius which is available at this Web site:

There may be several paths to the Philosopher’s Stone. There may even be several different Stones. More research on the nature of m-state is needed. Since the ORMUS materials are much more prevalent in nature than their metallic counterparts, they can be extracted with some time, effort, and understanding. We invite others to join in the quest for knowledge of these materials.

The following information is presented to promote scientific research into the nature of these materials. Although these theories are based on our best knowledge at this time, further scientific research may prove some of these theories to be inaccurate. Remember that the following are just theories.

A monoatomic element has one atom per molecule; a diatomic element has two atoms per molecule. Certain elements in a monatomic or diatomic configuration can form a stable structure where all of their electrons are Cooper paired, and so are not available as valence electrons (more on this later). Elements in this configuration are superconductors at room temperature and exhibit other quantum physical behaviors at a visible scale. Some of these quantum physical behaviors include:

Anomalous responses to gravity
“Tunneling” through solid objects
Deformed nuclei in a high-spin state

One term for these materials is microclusters. Microclusters have been described as follows on a microcluster forum:

“A microcluster is a small chemically inert cluster of atoms that has definite crystalline structure. They can be synthetic, however for this work an assumption is that the natural microclusters are forms comparable to the man-made microcluster. Microcluster research started with natural occurrences. Clusters exist as molecular species which can substitute and mimic various elements for one another. Microclusters can be as large as 200 or more atoms. Certain atomic examples for each atom are rare; the rarity is due to current physical chemistry concepts. Research has demonstrated that natural micro-clusters are superconductors; they are Cheshire in that they can disappear and avoid chemical detection by conventional means. Most, if not all, have catalytic properties; they are magnetic or can be induced to have electromagnetic properties; and they can form giant inert ions which I call Mega-ions.”


Physicists have recently created a new state of matter (which we believe is related to ORMUS) in the laboratory. This state of matter is called a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) after Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein who postulated the existence of this state of matter in the 1920s. Their theory was not “proven” until BECs were created in the laboratory in 1995 by Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman in Boulder, Colorado. They did it by cooling atoms to a much lower temperature than had been previously achieved. This temperature was a millionth of a degree above absolute zero.

Absolute zero is the temperature at which all atomic movement ceases. When atoms are cooled near absolute zero, they move much more slowly than when they are at normal temperatures. David Hudson postulates that his ORME atoms have a natural internal temperature which is very close to absolute zero. This may be why they can be Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and higher.

A Bose-Einstein Condensate is a group of atoms which are all in the same quantum state. Such a group of atoms consequently behaves, in some ways, as a single atom. Superconductors are a form of BECs and so are superfluids.

You can read a simple description of what BECs are and how they work on the BEC homepage.

Here is an explanation of how BECs, superconductors and Cooper pairing inter-relate from the American Institute of Physics web page titled BECs, superconductors, and Cooper pairing:

“A superfluid is a liquid that flows without viscosity or inner friction. For a liquid to become superfluid, the atoms or molecules making up the liquid must be cooled or “condensed” to the point at which they all occupy the same quantum state. A liquid of helium-3, an atom whose nucleus is made up of an odd number of particles, is a type of particle known as a fermion. Groups of fermions are not allowed to occupy the same quantum state.”
“By cooling the liquid to a low enough temperature, helium-3 atoms can pair up. The number of particles in each nucleus adds up to an even number, making it a type of particle known as a boson. Groups of bosons can fall into the same quantum state, and therefore superfluidity can be achieved. Helium-4 (middle panel), a boson, does not need to pair up to form a superfluid; groups of helium-4 atoms condense into the superfluid state at about 2 degrees above absolute zero. Superfluidity, especially the kind that exists in helium-3, is analogous to conventional low-temperature superconductivity, in which electrons flow through certain metals and alloys without resistance. In a superconductor (right panel), electrons, which are fermions, pair up in the metal crystal to form “Cooper pairs,” bosons which can then condense into a superconducting state.”

The following elements, which are known to have an m-state, have an odd number of electrons and protons:

In order for these atoms to be superconductors in the m-state, they must be at least diatoms.

The m-state of gold and other precious elements is different from the metallic state of these same elements. For example ingesting m-state gold has different effects on the body than the effects of ingesting metallic gold. What makes the ORMUS state atoms different is that they will not form metal-metal bonds with their own kind.

They won’t form metal-metal bonds because their valence electrons are not available to form normal molecular bonds. This is because each electron is paired up with another electron in a Cooper paired state. When electrons are Cooper paired, they cease to behave as particles and begin to behave more like light.

Since you must have an even number of electrons in order for every electron to pair up with another electron, you cannot have the m-state of any element which has an odd number of electrons without having at least two of these atoms paired up.

For example, iridium has an atomic number of 77. This means that iridium has 77 electrons. 76 of these electrons could pair up but that would still leave one electron available for bonding with another atom in a compound. But if you had two atoms of iridium with mingled nuclei and electron clouds you would have 154 electrons. Since 154 is an even number, all of these electrons can pair up into 77 Cooper pairs. Nucleons also pair up in the same way to form superconductors.

All known superconductors involve this kind of Cooper pairing.

Please realize that as a Bose-Einstein condensate, both atoms in the diatom will behave as one atom. They also resonance couple with other diatoms of the same element which are nearby. This resonance-coupled quantum oscillation is another of the definitions of superconductivity.

As you use chemistry to move a metal toward the ORMUS/BEC state, the chemical reactions necessary to do this moving become weaker and weaker since fewer and fewer of the valence electrons are available to participate in the chemical reactions. Eventually there are no electron handles that can be used to manipulate these materials. Fortunately these materials have other properties which can be used to manipulate them.

Since they are superconductors, they can be manipulated by magnetic fields. For example, if you shield them from magnetic fields during boiling processes, you will be able to conserve more of them in your liquid since they will not be impelled to tunnel out of your container or go off as a gas.

They can also be manipulated by providing them with a comfy “box” to hide out in. The ORMUS/BECs seem to “like” tight spaces. Ring molecules such as the tri-sodium ring or the diozone ring can provide a chemical “box” with handles. Salt and sodium, in particular, seem to stabilize the ORMUS materials, theoretically by forming a triangular structure or box around the precious element atom. Though you cannot get a chemical handle on the fully Cooper paired ORMUS atoms, you can entice them into a chemical box with handles and then manipulate the box using fairly standard physical and chemical methods.

So, although these elements are the same as the “heavy metal” elements, they are not in a metallic state and as long as the m-state of these elements is present in sufficient amounts, the metallic portion seems to “borrow” the properties of the m-state.

BECs are also known to have the ability to “tunnel” across impenetrable barriers. Professor Brian D. Josephson of the Theory of Condensed Matter Group of the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge (i.e. the Physics Department of the University of Cambridge) received the Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery of the tunneling phenomenon. Dr. Josephson is currently working on something called the Mind-Matter Unification Project.

Other physicists are also working on theories which unite mind and matter.
One fairly recent discovery in biology and physics is that a certain small structure in every cell, called the microtubule, exhibits superconductive and tunneling behaviors at body temperature.
You can read more about the quantum properties of microtubules from links on Rhett Savage’s Quantum Brain web page.
And on several of Matti Pitkanen’s web pages:
Exotic atoms and a mechanism for superconductivity in biosystems
Negentropy Maximization Principle and TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness
TGD:eish model for the EEG and generation of nerve pulse
One of the problems with modern quantum physical theories is that there is no way to logically connect the Bose-Einstein condensates, which have been demonstrated to exist in small groups of atoms at a millionth of a degree above absolute zero, with the BEC like behavior of microtubules at body temperature in living cells. ORMUS materials would make this connection.
Several of the modern theories relating to microtubules were proposed by Roger Penrose (a physicist) and Stuart Hameroff (an anesthesiologist).
Here we will quote from an anonymous scientist who has explained Penrose and Hameroff’s theory quite elegantly:
“Penrose has been seeking a better way to explain the fantastic computational power of the brain and Hameroff has been seeking the source of consciousness. The two heard of each other and got together to find that they both sought a common structure, the microtubule.
“Penrose sought a structure in the brain that had nanometer dimensions because such a structure would be necessary to support quantum effects. Hameroff sought the structure responsible for consciousness. They agreed that the microtubules would provide for both.
“Mictotubules are tiny tubular structures within neurons that are made from two forms of tubulin. The two forms can be switched by tiny electric currents, so Penrose has proposed that the tubulin units may be the on/off switches for the brain’s data processing. I agree with this proposal because it allows us to be what we are by increasing our potential processing rate from from an unacceptable 10 Exp11 operations per second (OPS) to a reasonably acceptable 10 Exp24 OPS. Penrose explains all this quite well and I recommend him to all who would like to have a deeper understanding of our minds.
“Hameroff has done a lot of research into how consciousness works and he has concluded that the microtubules are the source of our consciousness. This is discussed in and supported by Penrose’s work. Hameroff has concluded that the observable quantum effects that occur in human brains are caused by highly aligned water that is inside the microtubules. Penrose agrees with this concept and further argues that Bose- Einstein Condensations (BECs) in the neurons are how we reach decisions. The BECs are possible because the water inside the microtubules can be strongly aligned to form a high-temperature superconductive medium.
“This concept supports my thinking very well. BECs provide an explanation for all the effects I refer to as psionics. These effects include: telepathy, remote viewing, bilocation, telekinesis, and astral travel. A BEC in the Broca area of the brain would allow thoughts to exist inside the brain and outside the head at the same time. This can explain both telepathy and how it is controlled. Likewise, a BEC in the visual processing areas would explain remote viewing. Since microtubules exist in all neurons and neurons extend into all parts of the body, a BEC including all neurons would allow the body to exist in two (or more) places at the same time, thus explaining bilocation.
“With this discovery, all psionics can be explained in modern physical terms. This opens the whole field of psionics to persons like myself who have had so much technical training that it is impossible to accept psionics. This discovery means that all the formal training I’ve had in Chemistry, Math, and Physics still applies and can even help explain psionics. For me, it is good to know that all these topics can exist peacefully together.”
For more information on “psychic” observations of these materials see:
Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure
In a paper titled “Orchestrated reduction of quantum coherence in brain microtubules: A model for consciousness” (Hameroff/Penrose site at U. of Arizona), Hameroff and Penrose write:
“A critical number of tubulins maintaining coherence within [microtubules] for 500 msec collapses its own wave function (objective reduction: OR). This occurs because the mass-energy difference among the superpositioned states of coherent tubulins critically perturbs space-time geometry. To prevent multiple universes, the system must reduce to a single space-time by choosing eigenstates.”
Hameroff and Penrose are saying that in order to avoid “seeing” multiple universes at the same time, the quantum coherence created in microtubules by some material (we think the m-state materials) must collapse. What if the quantum coherence did not collapse and we became aware of multiple universes?
Many modern physicists believe that there are an infinite number of parallel universes. They theorize that atoms are made up of smaller particles which are like bubbles in the quantum foam. These bubbles in the quantum foam or “holes in the aether” spend a fraction of their existence in each of these parallel universes. There is quite a debate as to whether information is transferred between these parallel universes. You can read a bit about this debate at:
This concept of multiple or parallel universes has been a recurring theme in science fiction for at least 60 years. It is also one of the key concepts of modern mystical thought. It first appeared as a mystical concept in The ‘Unknown’ Reality by Jane Roberts which was dictated by Seth in 1974-75.
M-state material, in a wet precipitate form, will dissolve in HCl. M-state material, in a dry powder form, will not dissolve in HCl or aqua regia.
Because m-state is a superconductor, rotating a magnet under some of the dry powder m-state elements will cause the powder to fly away from the magnet.

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Extra-ordinary nutrients,
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This is not what we bottle! Just a fun, experimental treatise.

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